Infrastructure WA
About Us
- To assist in enhancing the efficiency and effectiveness of infrastructure planning and coordination.
- To promote the adoption and use of policies, practices, information and analysis to support sound decision-making in relation to infrastructure.
Our initial primary focus was the development of WA's first 20-year State Infrastructure Strategy to identify needs and priorities to support WA’s growing population and economy. This provides the strategic direction to encourage private sector investment, facilitate economic growth and create jobs.
Infrastructure WA’s functions are to:
- every five years prepare and submit to the Premier a State Infrastructure Strategy with an outlook of 20 years
- assess and report to the Premier on major infrastructure proposals
- provide advice and assistance to state agencies in the preparation of infrastructure strategies, plans and policies, including by preparing, at the request of the Premier, strategies, plans and policies on behalf of state agencies
- provide advice to state agencies on the preparation of infrastructure proposals
- review and report to the Premier on infrastructure proposals prior to their submission to Infrastructure Australia
- under the direction of the Premier, coordinate the provision of information and submissions to Infrastructure Australia
- monitor and report on progress in implementing the State Infrastructure Strategy
- provide advice to the Premier on:
- infrastructure priorities
- funding and financing of infrastructure
- any other matter relating to infrastructure
- review and report to the Premier on completed infrastructure projects
- promote public awareness of matters relating to infrastructure
- perform the other functions conferred on Infrastructure WA under the IWA Act
- perform, at the request of the Premier, any other function relating to infrastructure.
Our corporate plan
Our purpose

Our values

Strategic objectives

Risk Appetite Statement
IWA is committed to implementing practical and comprehensive risk management that remains central to all of IWA’s activities.
The management of risk is the responsibility of everyone, and an integral part of IWA’s organisational culture. It is reflected in the policies, protocols, systems and processes used to ensure efficient and effective functions and activities.
IWA’s Risk Appetite Statement articulates the amount and type (tolerance level) of risk that the Board is willing to take in order to achieve IWA’s vision and strategic objectives.
Read our full Risk Appetite Statement here.
Code of Conduct
The Code of Conduct sets out the ways in which Board members and staff are expected to behave individually, with colleagues and with stakeholders.
IWA employees and Board members must act with integrity to ensure the Western Australian community and government have confidence in IWA’s performance.
Board members and staff have a personal and collective responsibility to act transparently and efficiently, for the benefit of the community.
As a statutory authority with a degree of independence there is further responsibility to ensure IWA’s advice and decisions are robust and impartial.
The Western Australian Public Sector Code of Ethics sets out the minimum standard of conduct and integrity, and applies to all public sector employees, as well as members of government boards and committees. The IWA Code of Conduct complements the Code of Ethics and applies to all IWA Board members and staff.
Read our Code of Conduct here.
Disability Access and Inclusion Plan 2020–2025
The Western Australian Disability Services Act 1993 that requires State Government authorities to develop and implement a Disability Access and Inclusion Plan (DAIP).
An agency’s DAIP should further both the principles and the objectives of the Western Australian Disability Services Act 1993. In accordance with this legislation, IWA has developed its first DAIP.
Read our Disability Access and Inclusion Plan 2020-2025 here.
Multicultural Plan 2022–2024
Our Multicultural Plan assists IWA to achieve Equal Employment Opportunity Management Plan (EEOMP) outcomes in relation to people from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds.
As part of its EEOMP, IWA is committed to developing and implementing strategies and practices to create an equitable and diverse workplace.
Read our Multicultural Plan March 2022 – March 2024.