Infrastructure WA

Infrastructure proposals

IWA provides expert advice to the WA Government on infrastructure proposals.

IWA is required to review and report to the Premier on state government infrastructure proposals as per its requirements under the Infrastructure Western Australia Act 2019 (IWA Act).

This includes:

  • major infrastructure proposals with a value of $100 million or more
  • infrastructure proposals prior to their submission to Infrastructure Australia
  • completed infrastructure projects

Major Infrastructure Proposal Assessment

IWA is required to assess major infrastructure proposals with a capital cost of $100 million or more, consistent with its responsibilities under the IWA Act.

The Major Infrastructure Proposal Assessment (MIPA) function supports and aligns with existing government requirements such as Department of Treasury’s Strategic Asset Management Framework and Infrastructure Australia’s Assessment Framework, while providing relevant advice to the WA Government to support informed investment decisions.

IWA's governance role

Under its governing legislation, IWA is required to independently assess major infrastructure proposals prior to the WA Government making an investment decision, and provide its report to the Premier for consideration.

Consistent with the MIPA Guidelines, IWA aims to engage with proponents informally and through project governance arrangements during the proposal development phase in an advisory capacity.

In cases where IWA is identified as a formal 'member' of a steering committee or other project governance body it will be in a non-voting advisory capacity only.


The Major Infrastructure Proposal Assessment Guidelines and frequently asked questions provide state agencies and government trading enterprises with guidance on how to navigate MIPA requirements and the assessment process.

The MIPA Guidelines outline the details of how proposals will be assessed by IWA, and the content requirements for submissions.

IWA is liaising with stakeholder agencies and government trading enterprises to refine the MIPA function and Guidelines. Guidelines will be periodically revised, with the intended expansion of MIPA to cover projects and programs as well as supplementary guidance.

Subject Guides

The purpose of the following subject guides is to support state agencies and government trading enterprises (GTEs), collectively called ‘proponents’, in the development of high-quality and compelling capital investment proposals to be considered by IWA as part of its MIPA function while ensuring clear alignment with relevant government strategies and policies.

IWA invites anyone with questions or comments relating to MIPA function, Guidelines or Subject Guides to please contact us at or 08 6552 5229.


View the Infrastructure proposal assessment reports here