This categorisation allows for the identification of themes and interdependencies common within similar infrastructure types. The primary focus of WA’s first State Infrastructure Strategy has been on infrastructure owned and delivered by state government agencies and government trading enterprises, and infrastructure that has a direct or indirect financial or policy implication for state government.
Enabling infrastructure such as energy, water and transport underpin society and are critical to maintaining the economy and our standard of living. Social infrastructure such as health, education, justice, emergency services, and the arts enable services that support the wellbeing of our community.

Each sector takes into account both build and non-build infrastructure considerations. Non-build solutions include areas such as policy, regulation, pricing, asset management, technology, procurement and governance reforms, along with new infrastructure projects and programs.
The sectors also consider resilience, the Strategy’s vision, strategic opportunity areas, its overarching objectives and core themes which underpin most of IWA’s recommendations.
As part of developing the Strategy and its recommendations, Infrastructure WA (IWA) considered a number of key elements such as:
- the identification of strategic opportunities for the state which helped formed the 2042 vision and infrastructure outlook
- Strategy objectives which indicated areas IWA believed to be critically important to ensure the 2042 vision met
- identification and application of 7 cross-cutting themes and 9 sectors, with key consideration of other drivers such as resilience and demand management.
For further information please visit our page which outlines IWA’s approach to developing the Strategy.