Infrastructure WA

Recommendation 2

Apply a digital-first approach to all stages of the infrastructure lifecycle


2. Improve infrastructure efficiency and performance and enhance service delivery through application of a digital-first approach to all stages of the infrastructure lifecycle, by:

  1. developing a digital-first smart infrastructure policy that guides the application of digital technologies, that includes: 
    • design principles for digital-enabled infrastructure such as interoperability and flexibility, resilience, open standards and user-centred design
    • minimum requirements to embed smart technology in new and upgraded infrastructure where a positive net benefit can be demonstrated
    • a clear process for state agencies and government trading enterprises that would identify how to assess and implement digital at all points of the lifecycle, including accounting for upfront and recurring costs in the business case phase
    • outcomes and metrics  
  2. amending the Strategic Asset Management Framework’s Strategic Asset Plan and Business Case guidelines to require state agencies and government trading enterprises to apply the digital-first smart infrastructure policy commencing with projects and programs with a capital cost of $100 million or more
  3. undertaking annual public reporting on digitisation of infrastructure, including on prioritisation, design, procurement, build and operational phases.

WA Government response

The WA Government responded to Foundation for a stronger tomorrow in February 2023. Recommendation 2 is fully supported. For further information please refer to the response document.

Vision – strategic opportunity
Approaching the technology frontier
Strategy objectives
Embrace technology, data and digital connectivity
Get the most from our infrastructure and improve maintenance