9. Support improved environmental health, social and economic outcomes in remote Aboriginal communities and town-based reserves by improving the quality and resilience of infrastructure and services, ensuring they are safe, reliable, equitable and fit for purpose, including:
- developing a sustainable funding model and investment framework for state government infrastructure that considers whole of lifecycle asset costs, including recurrent funding for the operation and proactive maintenance of assets
- ensuring state agencies and government trading enterprises share information relating to the delivery of state government infrastructure and services to improve efficiency and coordination
- investigating opportunities for the private sector to fund and/or participate in the delivery, operation and maintenance of infrastructure and services
- evaluating the outcomes of the Bidyadanga Land Activation Pilot Project, and once completed, assessing the suitability of the model for application in other remote Aboriginal communities and town-based reserves
- ensuring licensed and regulated water, wastewater and power services are provided by accelerating the regularisation of water and wastewater services to the Water Corporation and power services to Horizon Power, and prioritising these works based on agreed criteria
- establishing and implementing a tiered regulated water, wastewater and power service standard for remote settlements (including remote Aboriginal communities and town-based reserves) to achieve equitable levels of service with other population centres of a similar size across the state
- clarifying the roles and responsibilities of entities providing municipal infrastructure and services, including roads, waste management and sport and recreation facilities
- determining appropriate funding arrangements for the provision of municipal infrastructure and services, including the need for subsidies
- investigating and pursuing opportunities for local Aboriginal residents to be trained to deliver operations and maintenance services for infrastructure.
WA Government response
The WA Government responded to Foundation for a stronger tomorrow in February 2023. Recommendation 9 is fully supported. For further information please refer to the response document.
Vision – strategic opportunity
Promoting and leveraging Aboriginal cultural heritage and enterprise
Strategy objectives
Enhance cross-government coordination and planning
Embrace technology, data and digital connectivity
Enhance infrastructure delivery and develop skills for the future
Get the most from our infrastructure and improve maintenance