Infrastructure WA

Undertake an assessment of WA’s science and research infrastructure needs
Improve cybersecurity practices for state-owned and regulated infrastructure owners and operators
Apply a digital-first approach to all stages of the infrastructure lifecycle
Elevate WA’s focus on accelerating digital transformation and connectivity infrastructure

Asset management

Organisations with mature asset management systems take a strategic approach to planning and using assets, and a lifecycle view of asset systems and networks, rather than a narrow focus on discrete maintenance and upgrades.

Around two-thirds of the total cost of an asset generally occurs after it is built or acquired. Effective management of the state’s approximate $159 billion infrastructure asset base is essential to maximise the value and longevity of these public assets.

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Infrastructure delivery

WA is currently experiencing a significant increase in infrastructure development activity. The level of private sector investment is also high and driven by the resources sector and construction of new housing. This level of activity has benefits but is also putting pressure on market delivery capacity. 

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