Infrastructure WA

What does the COVID-19 pandemic mean for development of the Strategy?

The Strategy will not focus on COVID-19 short-term stimulus recovery projects which are currently being addressed through other governance structures.

As part of developing the Strategy, IWA will need to consider the potential medium and long-term impacts of the pandemic and how it may change the way we plan, prioritise and deliver our infrastructure into the future. Short-term impacts will also need to be considered in terms of the development pathways that may result for the State as a result of the pandemic and stimulus measures that are implemented.

Why is the State Infrastructure Strategy necessary?

Infrastructure is planned, delivered and managed by all levels of government, private industry and the community. With so many stakeholders involved, infrastructure decision-making can be disjointed and lack coordinated opportunities such as colocation and shared use. A well-developed Strategy, based on sound evidence, will highlight the needs and priorities of where funding is best spent to maximise value for Western Australians. Having an infrastructure strategy is also expected to help attract more Federal funding.

What is the State Infrastructure Strategy?

The State Infrastructure Strategy (the Strategy) will identify the State’s infrastructure needs and priorities, and is the foundation for Infrastructure WA’s (IWA) advice to the State Government. It will address a 20 year timeframe and be refreshed at least every five years.

Publication of a state-wide infrastructure strategy has not been completed before in WA. The Strategy will address a broad range of social, economic and environmental objectives to make recommendations relating to infrastructure planning, prioritisation and decision-making.