Infrastructure WA

In November and December 2019, Infrastructure WA visited Broome, Bunbury and Albany as part of a short series of Regional Stakeholders Engagement Forums. 

The sessions were an opportunity to learn about the establishment and early operation of Infrastructure WA and take part in a discussion on perspectives for WA’s first State Infrastructure Strategy. The forums were part of an ongoing consultation program that will facilitate regional input to the development of the Strategy.

Welcome to the latest newsletter update from Infrastructure WA.
We are continuing to progress engagement with key stakeholders from government, industry and the wider community, and we are pleased to announce that our website has now gone live at

The Infrastructure Western Australia Act 2019 commenced on the 24th July 2019.


The Premier, Honourable Roger Cook MLA, is the responsible Minister for Infrastructure WA

PremierLegislation to establish Infrastructure WA was introduced into State Parliament on 19 February 2019, delivering on another election commitment by the McGowan Government.

PremierOn the 21 May 2019, the McGowan Government called for expressions of interest to join the Infrastructure WA Board, to provide expert advice to the WA Government on the State's long term, job-creating infrastructure priorities.

The Board of up to 10 members comprises both public and private sector representatives. 

On the 29 July 2019, the Premier announced the appointment of the first Infrastructure WA Board, comprising four government members and six non-government members. Appointments include John Langoulant AO as Chairperson and Nicole Lockwood as Deputy Chairperson. This is a significant milestone in driving change and reform in how the State plans and delivers infrastructure.