Infrastructure WA

Infrastructure WA (IWA) is undertaking consultation on its first Disability Access & Inclusion Plan (DAIP).

The comment period on the draft DAIP closes on 29 June 2020.

The survey is an opportunity for IWA’s stakeholders to have input into the new DAIP.

If you are interested in taking part in the survey please head to the consultation page linked below.

Infrastructure WA is set to open the door to a state-wide conversation about the future of infrastructure in Western Australia with the release of its State Infrastructure Strategy Discussion Paper on Friday 26 June 2020.

Everyone is welcome to attend this free, online launch.

Infrastructure WA is proud to announce that senior infrastructure professional Philip Helberg has been appointed as Chief Executive Officer for a five-year term commencing on August 1, 2020.

Mr Helberg's role will focus on providing expert infrastructure advice to the Premier and State Government on the planning and implementation of infrastructure priorities and initiatives.

Due to the rapidly evolving pandemic situation, IWA has decided to postpone release of the State Infrastructure Strategy Discussion Paper until a future stage.

In the meantime, we are keeping busy and considering how IWA can assist government during this difficult time.

We will keep you up to date regarding a rescheduled launch date for the Discussion Paper.