Infrastructure WA

Infrastructure WA (IWA) was established on 24 July 2019 under the Infrastructure Western Australia Act 2019, with its principal purpose to provide advice and assistance to the WA Government on matters relating to infrastructure. 

IWA’s core functions are summarised below: 

The Board is the governing body responsible for Infrastructure WA's strategic direction and operations. The Board comprises an independent Chairperson, Deputy Chairperson and eight Board members. The Board provides strategic policy direction and oversight for planning, management and performance. With a mix of leading business people with expertise in infrastructure and the State's most senior public servants, the Board brings together the experience required to guide Infrastructure WA's important work.

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Infrastructure WA's role is to provide advice and assistance to the WA Government on infrastructure matters. Looking at the medium to long term, our advice informs infrastructure investment decision-making and supports better outcomes for the people and economy of Western Australia.

The Infrastructure Western Australia Act 2019, which commenced in July 2019, sets out the functions and responsibilities of Infrastructure WA, some of which include: